Lemniscate fornisce quadri elettrici in bassa tensione.

Lemniscate provides low voltage electrical switchboards. The production of electrical switchboards carefully follows what has been done during the design and complies with all the existing legislation. The attention towards the customer is always the “engine” of our activities. The choice of the components is really wide so as to be able to satisfy all the needs. Lemniscate also realizes the on-board machine wiring. Also in this case the personalisations and the choice of the components are multiple as well as all the most modern systems of data exchange. The components used for the electrical switchboards combined with the most modern systems of on-board machine wiring, will provide your installation with greater efficency and less possibilities of failure. The same technical maintenance operations will be minimum since coordinated by diagnostic systems with which the installation will be provided. If the needs consist in optimising, reducing the number of cables in your installation and providing you with the most modern diagnostic systems, Lemniscate gives you all the solutions. .